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When I created my post cards series, there was a handful of images from outside of my actual pilgrimages (most of them located in Shenzhen). As I run across them, I'll place them here in this EXTRAS page. Enjoy!

The Mountain Gate (山门) of Hongfa Temple (弘法寺), located in Fairy
Lake Botanical Garden (仙湖植物园) in Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市)
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Kshitigarbha (地藏菩萨) is the Bodhisattva who promises to save all beings from
Hell. This is one of the few Buddhist statues at Dongshan Temple (东山寺), in
Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市), which is being converted from a Taoist temple.
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The stone over the altar (祭坛) at Guanyinshan Temple (观音山寺) in Shenzhen, Guangdong
(广东, 深圳市) juts out from a hillside like a giant Frisbee. It was probably this
natural feature, plus a nearby spring, that attracted temple-builders to the site.
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This wet nurse (奶妈 or 乳母) is one of twelve companions to Jinhua Furen (金花夫人), a Taoist
 (道教) goddess of childbirth sometimes found in Buddhist temples that have been converted
from Taoist ones, like Fenghuang Shan Temple (凤凰山寺) in Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市).
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A new Buddha (佛) was being installed at Hongyuan Temple (弘源寺) in Shenzhen,
Guangdong (广东, 深圳市). It was funny to see these workmen all over him!
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The pool (池) is the centerpiece at Guanyin Temple (观音寺), Shenzhen,
Guangdong (广东, 深圳市). New halls (殿) are going up around it.
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Copy of a statue of the Sleeping Buddha (卧佛) based on one in the Mogao Caves (莫高窟)
at Dunhuang (敦煌); in a museum exhibition in Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市)
(View map to museum) || (Learn more about the museum here)
This gate is a remnant from the days when Longxing Temple (龙兴寺)
in Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市), was a Taoist (道教) site.
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This altar is in from transition from Taoist (道教的) to Buddhist, with three Buddha (佛) statues
sitting front of a Taoist figure, at Fozu Temple (佛祖寺), Shenzhen, Guangdong (广东, 深圳市)
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Dhrtarashtra (持国天王), one of the Four Heavenly Kings (天王), in the
newly-built Huayan Temple (华严寺) in Guangzhou, Guangdong (广东, 广州市)

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